The beauty about bespoke shoes is that the options to what you want to have made are only limited by your own amount of creativity. And while this shoe might not be the most creative bespoke shoe ever made up, it will certainly, at least in my mind, go down as one of the most beautiful bespoke shoes ever made. Everything about this shoe is lovely from the leather, to the patina, to the medallion design, and finally to the pattern. And what's even better, for me, is that it represents just how far along my friend Daniel is coming along as a maker in such a short amount of time.
As always, it never ceases to amaze me the quality of shoes that Gaziano & Girling pump out, from their RTW to their bespoke pieces. To have achieved this level of success and brilliant reputation since their introduction in 2006, is a reason that, so long as they continue to do what they are doing, I believe that they will be a firm that will soon be as recognized as John Lobb, if not more so. And even though this is a bold statement on my part, I believe that the pictures presented, as well as all of the others that I have displayed, pretty much speak for themselves.
Enjoy your weekend,
-Justin, "The Shoe Snob"

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