Adding Backtrack repo in Ubuntu

How to add a repo Backtrack on Ubuntu?

Download the first file. Gpg key backtrack this address:

Add backtrack.gpg file into your computer with the command:

sudo apt-key add backtrack.gpg

You can use the repository of, add it in your sources.list (Adding a Repository View Question: 26-

deb pwnsauce main microverse
macroverse restricted universe multiverse

Then as usual after adding the repository to do update your system:

sudo apt-get update


Usually there will be an error message like this:

'E:Unable to increase the size of the MMap as the limit of 32454321 bytes
is already reached.,  E:Dynamic MMap ran out of room.
Please increase the size of  APT::Cache-Limit. Current value: 32505856.
(man 5 apt.conf),

Or use the solution in Question 99:

If the process is successful, then you will be able to see a list of software BackTrack in Synaptic Package Manager:

Thus, may be useful...  :-)!


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