What is Joomla?
Joomla is a Content Management System (CMS) created using the language
PHP (PHP Hypertext Processor). The history of the emergence of Joomla is because there is little "conflict"
between develop (the developer) Mambo with the founder (the programmer) Mambo. Party
founder wishes to form a company called Mambo Foundation, but
the developers did not agree because they reasoned that if Mambo has been handled by
a company automatically Mambo will be a commercial software.
Padalah early destination Mambo is free (free) for everyone and anyone may
use, duplicate, or even memoddifikasi.
Such conditions trigger the develop which have the responsibility and conscience to
users to make them leave the stewardship of Mambo. That ultimately the develop
those who do not agree to join and create a software "rival" Mambo.
Then created a software that has the form and function exactly the same name
Almost all the modules and components for Mambo can be used also in Joomla.
Although the program is using php language, does not mean to understand all about
php code. For they do not understand HTML code, JavaScript, ASP, CGI, and PHP
do not be afraid to learn it because although it is not know about these codes,
people can make a web quickly with some very complex features
Joomla can be used to create a site:
1. Portal
2. Commercial
3. Non-profit
4. Personal
Diverse applications can be created using Joomla because it has some
capabilities, including:
1. Can update your main page, news page, article pages, and pages archives quickly.
2. Can see the file Microsoft Word, Excel, and PDF.
3. Can add new menu on the main menu, other menus, and top with the menu easy
4. Can set a weblink to quickly and easily.
5. Can set the banner (ad).
6. Can set the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
7. Can set Newsflashes
8. Create archive and to recast
9. Can print, send articles via email, and read articles with PDF format.
10. Can manage users with different levels of access levels.
11. Can add components, modules, and templates from a third party (such as forums,
calendar, reminder, agenda, guestbook (guest book), shopping carts, and so on).
Joomla Design is different from similar applications such as Microsoft FrontPage or
Macromedia Dreamweaver. Joomla is very flexible, easy to use, and shape
simple, making this software extremely user friend because:
1. Easy to setup / installation.
2. It has a simple interface for administrators who manage the content of the site (website).
3. Easy to use to edit (add, modify, and delete) content and image.
4. Flexible to set the display front end.
5. Flexibility to add new components and modules from third parties.
As previously diijelaskan that you no longer need to know the concept of creation
web with HTML, XML or DHTML, simply enter the content and the picture you want
displayed to the site. Even webmasters do not need to understand the FTP program to
upload data because Joomla can already handle it.
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