How to create pages about blogs

About page is a common part on each blog. Even when I first installed wordpress blog will automatically be there as a page about the default installation. That was then, now that I do not know, what about the blog page automatically made ​​when installing a new blog. Of course the page itself is not about to be made following the default of your wordpress blog engine or otherwise altered will be unique no-longer be subject to duplicate content.
This material will be discussing how we should make a page about the good. This page must be written about the unique, interesting, useful, and the goal to make visitors immediately understand the core material and so fell in love with your blog.

Benefits of pages about blogs

If you really understand and can use the pages about the good, then many benefits as you can:

  1. Know your blog quickly, when visitors read the page about then they will be able to capture what is in your overall blog briefly as the content type, destination blogs, blogging your vision and mission.
  2. Liked your blog, the page shown to help visitors liked about your blog if what you write on the blog page according to your blogging material. When they read about you, then they will say, here's the blog that I need!
  3. Adding a loyal reader of your blog, if you add some small touches on the page about your blog can attract some visitors into loyal readers who will come back to your blog.
  4. Adding your trust and credibility in the eyes of the reader. If you displaying the appropriate information on the page about to attract regular readers to believe and regard you as a blogger credible in his field. Four points are very important because that way you can increase traffic, sales conversions your blog is greatly increased.
Mechanical write pages about
To create a page about the good you can apply some of the following techniques:
  1. Introduce yourself, the first thing readers want to know is info about the bloggers who have blogs. Do not be afraid to reveal about yourself related to the topic of your blog. No need to write down things quite personal things about your blogging topics.
  2. The purpose and benefits of blogging, if you have any specific goals or targets in making blogging write so that readers know about it. And most importantly give reasons for any benefit gained from visitors to your blog.
  3. Add the achievement, if you have something to be proud of your blogging related to the theme do not hesitate to write. Suppose you blog about recipes and a cooking contest winner at RT, the restaurant cooks rice cat, etc.. Write down the achievements that you have for readers to believe that you are the right person to deliver the content on your own blog. If your blog is about business does not hurt to show your business income now. Given the evidence of achievement that you won, visitors will have more confidence in what you write because they think you are an expert. Blog about SEO you just put your picture on google website ranking.
  4. Permalink important links, the link forgot some important links that favored visitors. Suppose place your product, gratisa page, the page's most widely read (can look at your blog stats). If the links you put really good, then visitors can conclude that your blog is good.
  5. Give final action, as a final touch of the introduction of your blog so that visitors give a finishing touch willing to do according to that benefit them such as flowers, join the blog feed, download software, sign up for the forum and the various measures that give more value to the visitors you.
 And it is also important is do not write the matters that are not necessary because the one who wants to visit the about page is usually driven by curiosity bloggers who have a blog? What are the materials of his blog? Of curiosity that we use to give them what they want to know, and we add a plus value to the visitor.

The best way to create a page about the good is to learn the about page of the bloggers popular and successful. You can learn some techniques to be combined so that the pages are completely readable and give a plus.


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