Get The New Facebook Chat Sidebar

Facebook rolled out ‘Facebook Chat Sidebar‘ feature today.  There is no much difference between ‘FaceBook Chat‘ and ‘FaceBook Chat Sidebar (FCS)‘. FCS lists those friends who you message most and makes them readily available to chat with.
Is the new FaceBook Chat Sidebar available for everyone ?
Yes, FCS is available for everyone.
I don’t see FaceBook Chat Sidebar, how do I get the new FCS ?
FCS is available to you by default. There is no need for you to manage any settings to turn the feature on. It depends on free space on your screen, and it’ll be automatically available if there’s enough room for it.
One of the main reason for the Sidebar unavailability is the resolution of your screen. Change your screen resolution to 1280 by 800 pixels, and you’ll automatically get an invite from FaceBook to switch over to new FaceBook Chat Sidebar.
Depending on the Operating System you are using, these resources can help you change screen resolution: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Mac Version 8 and above. If the Operating System you use is not listed here, search for ‘How to change screen resolution ’ in Google and you’ll find a solution.
Since availability of FCS will be subjective to free space, you may not find it on all computers you login to FaceBook from. The above trick – changing screen resolution, will help you in all cases.
Whenever there is space crunch, your normal FaceBook Chat gets activated.
Update: Can we remove new Facebook Chat sidebar ?
Update: If you too hate the new Facebook Chat Sidebar, you can join our FaceBook community page and then leave your comment, may be they’ll take some measures to set it right.


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