The oldest species on Earth

cyanobacteria, 2.8 billion years Cyanobacteria are considered one of the first life forms on Earth. The first one who lives in excessive sulfate and methane in Earth's atmosphere. cyanobacteria are practically identical to the original. They survived every major event including the extinction of thePermian extinction that killed 90 percent of species at that time.

Nautilus500 million years Nautilus fossils are just living in the Cephalopoda. They used more varied and far moreprosperous, but now there are only six types of nautilus, all limited to the Indo-Pacific.However, how to hang in there.

Jellyfish505 Million Years The jellyfish is included in the group of animals called Cnidaria or Coelenterata. This group includes corals, hydras, jellyfish, Portuguese man-of-war, sea anemones, seapens, sea whips and sea fans. They are difficult to fossils, which are mostly made ​​of water, but a few years ago, some newly discovered fossil that makes them even olderthan previously thought.

Sponge580 Million Years Sponges of the ancient lineage of animals that can be traced back to the beginning ofanimal life. Of glass sponge fossils have been found from about 540 million years ago in the rocks in Australia, China and Mongolia. Although about 90% of modern spongesdemosponges, fossils of this type is less common than other types because their skulls are made ​​of relatively soft spongin are not well fossilized.

Horseshoe Crab445 Million Years The Horsehoe ole remained pretty much unchanged since the Ordovician. So, this is in the earth about 74% of the time that animals in general already. Species of horseshoe crabs crawling on the earliest of shallow coastal seas of the earth for at least 100 million years before dinosaurs existed.

Coelacanth360 Million Years Before 1938 the king of sea fish is believed to have become extinct about 80 million years ago, when they disappeared from the fossil record. This "living fossil prehisotric" once regarded as the ancestor of tetrapods (terrestrial animal life, including humans).Now believe that Lungfishes are the closest living relative of tetrapods.

Gingko Biloba270 Million Years Ginkgo tree is the only living representative of the order Ginkgoales, a group of gymnosperms dating back to 270 million years ago during the Permian period. Due to geological cataclysms only 3 or 4 species remaining in the Tertiary (65 million years ago). Extinction of the dinosaurs as potential seed dispersers of seeds may also be influenced this decline, in line with the fossil record.

Horseshoe Shrimp
200 Million Years This person has little difference in the oldest living species on earth changed over the past 200 million years. In other words, he may not have been there for a few people on it,but he was almost indistinguishable from the 200 million year old fossils.

Sturgeon 200 Million Years Sturgeon and paddlefish have been related to morphologic change very little, indicating that their evolution has been slow and earning their informal status as a living fossil. This is explained in part by the inter-generation time, tolerance to wide ranges of temperature and salinity, lack of predators because of its size.

Martialis Heureka
120 Million Years Only discovered in 2000 in the Amazon, this type of ant known as Ant From Mars.Resembling a miniature wasp, the insect does not like other ants, and is the oldest antspecies still inhabiting the earth. What makes the truly amazing thing is that the geneticcode that shows the sub-family was among the first to secede from the main lineage,soon after ants evolved from wasps more than 120 million years ago.


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